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Home | 18 Mukhi Indonesian Rudraksha | 18 Mukhi Indonesian Rudraksha Collector Grade RLRI18CI

18 Mukhi Indonesian Rudraksha Collector Grade RLRI18CI


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18 mukhi rudraksha, is the root of our lives because it is connected with our mother Earth and balances emotions because of the influence of the Moon, this rudraksha keeps us grounded and helps in providing stability in each and every aspect. This rudraksha is a blessing for humans because it can help you fight all problems of your life and will guide you on the way to success. 

This rudraksha is best for those who suffer from reproductive issues and have problems with their sexual life because of its connectivity with the Root chakra.

Note: 30% of our profits go to charity.

Ruling Deity Goddess Bhumi Devi
Ruling Planet Earth
Ruling Chakra Muladhara chakra
Favorable Day Monday
Beej Mantra Om Hreem Hoom Ekatatva Rupe Hoom Hreem Om||
Other Mantras Om Hreem Shreem Vasudhaye Swaha||

Om Namah Shivay||

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Size In MM

Bead Grade


Size In MM22 - 23 mm
Bead GradeCollector

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