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Rudraksha Plant

Rudraksha plant – Where is it found? What are the types and benefits? Discover where it grows, the different types, and the unique benefits it offers in this easy-to-follow guide we’ve put together for you!
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Rudraksha Plant

Rudraksha plant or Elaeocarpus Ganitrus Roxb produces prayer beads. You can find Rudraksha inside the fruits of these plants.

Elaeocarpus Ganitrus Roxb plant thrives in the hilly terrain. But, in recent times, these plants are accessible for individual plantations as well.

Rudraksha beads are often purchased in the form of rosaries and jewelry. 

The unique properties of these beads are useful to correct and improve many aspects of your life.

Rudraksha Species

Rudraksha plant has over 300 species that grow in various regions of the world. The species of the plant is a significant determiner of the beads’ quality.

Out of 300 species, 35 grow in India, and 25 varieties grow in the Himalayan region. Some species of Rudraksha can thrive only in suitable surroundings. 

A few others have evolved to survive in foreign terrain.

Ideal Terrain for Rudraksha Plant

Rudraksha plants grow in the foothills of the Himalayas and South East-Asian countries.

After the commercialization of Rudraksha, they are being farmed in many places worldwide. 

But, it’s essential to keep it as close to its original surroundings as possible.

The ideal settings for growing rudraksha plants are – 

  • Rudraksha plants grow in a wide range of areas such as hills, sandy coastal areas, freshwater, etc. 
  • But it thrives best in the regions that are 500-2000 meters above sea level.
  • These plants need ample but subdued sunlight. Harsh sunlight is not suitable for rudraksha plants.
  • Rudraksha species that produce superior quality beads grow in tropical and subtropical regions. But, the temperatures should not be higher than 35° even in summers.
  • A rudraksha plant should have access to runoff water. Yet, some species can survive without it.
  • The soil should be well-drained, rich in nutrients and compost. If the area does not house this type of soil, you should use compost and manure to increase its fertility.

Rudraksha plants can grow in several different environments depending on the species. 

But, to get the best beads, you should produce the Elaeocarpus Ganitrus Roxb species.

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Distinguish Rudraksha and Bhadraksha Plant

Rudraksha and Bhadraksha plants are part of the same plant kingdom. It’s essential to know the difference between the two.

What is Bhadraksha? 

Bhadraksha is the Indian or Sri Lankan counterpart of Rudraksha. While both bhadraksha’s plants and fruit are alike to Rudraksha, their properties differ.

Difference between Rudraksha and Bhadraksha 

Rudraksha beads have many beneficial properties. They help with many diseases and improve health. 

They also bring goodwill and fortune. But, a Bhadraksha bead doesn’t have any such property.

Merchants often sell Bhadraksha in the name of Rudraksha because it’s cheaper.

There are a few critical differences between rudraksha and Bhadraksha beads, such as – 

  • Bhadraksha beads are more crescent in shape, while Rudraksha is spherical or round.
  • The ridges or etchings of Rudraksha are more prominent than that of Bhadraksha.
  • Bhadraksha beads only have one seed inside them. Whereas the seeds inside Rudraksha are the same number as their mukhs.
  • Bhadraksha beads are artificially altered or tampered with to make ek mukhi rudraksha. Original ek mukhi will be Kaju shaped or perfectly round. Its etchings will be consistent, and it won’t be smooth.
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How to identify Rudraksha and Bhadraksha plants?

Rudraksha and Bhadraksha both belong to the same plant family. Due to this, differentiation becomes more difficult.

The features that determine which plant it is are – 

Rudraksha – The salient features of rudraksha plants that you should notice are – 

  • It’s a large evergreen tree with a sturdy trunk when fully grown.
  • Rudraksha plants can bear fruit four years after germination. 
  • Potted rudraksha plants are 0.5-1 meters tall. And rudraksha trees can grow as high as 50-60 feet in height.
  • It has broad bright green leaves.
  • Rudraksha fruits are green when raw but turn a shade of bright purplish-blue when they’re ripe.
  • It has pale white flowers that grow in bundles.

Bhadraksha – Bhadraksha has the following distinctions that make it stand out – 

  • It is a small soft-wooded shrub plant.
  • Bhadraksha plants take longer to bear fruits. 
  • When bhadraksha plants grow in perfect surroundings, they can be as tall as 24 feet.
  • It has shiny light green leaves that grow in bundles.
  • Bhadraksha leaves have thick blades that turn yellow with age.
  • Bhadraksha fruits are green when raw and turn white when ripe.
  • Its flowers can be anywhere between white to pale lilac.
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Summary on Rudraksha Plant

Rudraksha plants are holy to Lord Shiva. Taking care of a rudraksha plant improves your karma and has spiritual benefits. 

Priests and gurus encourage people to look after rudraksha plants.

Keeping a potted rudraksha plant in your house protects you from evil energies. 

Rudraksha brings materialistic and spiritual goodwill for you and your family.

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4 Responses

    1. Yes, You can grow the rudraksha plant at your home, But the rudraksha bead comes in a particular environment which is commonly the environment of Nepal, Indonesia, and India.

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