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Home | Rudraksha | 6 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha Super Collector Grade RLRN6SCI

6 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha Super Collector Grade RLRN6SCI


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6 Mukhi Rudraksha, is blessed by Lord Kartikeya and planet Mars; therefore, wearing this rudraksha helps you cure fatigue and gives you rapid success. This insane alignment of Lord Kartikya and Mars directly blesses you with peace and harmony.

Wearing this rudraksha also balances your svadhisthana chakra, which helps you get free from negative energies and purify your vitality.

Note: 30% of our profits go to charity.

Note: 30% of our profits go to charity.

Ruling Deity Lord Kartikeya
Ruling Planet Mars
Ruling Chakra Svadhisthana chakra
Favorable Day Tuesday
Beej Mantra Om Hreem Hoom Namah||
Other Mantras Om Kraam Kreem Kraum Sahah Bhaumaay Namah||

Om Namah Shivay||

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Size In MM

Bead Grade

Super Collector

Size In MM25 - 26 mm
Bead GradeSuper Collector

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