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Home | 7 Mukhi Indonesian Rudraksha | 7 Mukhi Indonesian Rudraksha Regular Grade RLRI7RI

7 Mukhi Indonesian Rudraksha Regular Grade RLRI7RI


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7 mukhi rudraksha, which is ruled by Goddess Mahalaxmi and planet Saturn, helps in getting wealth and abundance. It is best to wear while sadae sati and has a huge impact on your creativity and emotions.

Due to its alignment with the Manipura chakra, this rudraksha is best for those who suffer from respiratory and adrenal issues. Wearing this rudraksha also attracts more customers and has a great impact on your financial status.

Note: 30% of our profits go to charity.

Ruling Deity Goddess Mahalakshmi
Ruling Planet Saturn
Ruling Chakra Manipura chakra
Favorable Day Friday
Beej Mantra Om Hoom Namah||
Other Mantras Mahalaxmi Mantras||

Om Namah Shivay||

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Size In MM

Bead Grade


Size In MM13 - 14 mm
Bead GradeRegular

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