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Buy 10 Mukhi Rudraksha Online

10 mukhi Nepal rudraksha entirely neutralizes negative energies around the wearer and also pacifies malefic of Navgraha or Nine planets. Moreover, It has the power to move confidently through life without getting influenced by tough situations. Wear the most auspicious bead that bestows you with the immense blessings of Lord Krishna.

As per Hindu texts:

।। ग्रहाश्च पिशाचाश्च वेताल ब्रह्मराक्षासा: पन्नगाश्चोशाम्यन्ति दशवक्त्रस्य धारणात् ।।

“Embrace the pure blessings of Lord Krishna – 8th avatar of Lord Vishnu and become a charming personality along with a compassionate feeling.”

Embrace the sacred nepali rudraksha that kicks off negativity and bad incidents in your life. Experience the most spiritual phenomenon that encloses varying sorts of secrets that you require to discover. Grab numerous benefits along with varying spiritual benefits.

10 Mukhi Nepal Rudraksha
Legal Cases Victory
Boosts Physical Strength
Boosts Creativity
Boosts Self-Confidence

Ten mukhi rudraksha radiates powerful energy that enables you to fight against all negative circumstances. Moreover, the pious rudraksha is available in varying sizes, ranging from small and large to collector and super collector. All sizes offer immense power, but collector rudraksha offers more spiritual energy to the soul and helps in quick recovery.

The original rudraksha price various based on their quality and origin. We offer energization, lab-tested, and certified 10 mukhi nepali rudraksha for you.

Ruling DeityLord Vishnu and Krishna
Ruling PlanetAll planets
Ruling ChakraVishuddha chakra
Size20-35 mm
Favorable DayThursday
Beej MantraOm Hreem Hoom Namah||
Other Mantras

Om Kleem Krishnaye Namah||

Om Namah Shivay||

Weight2 – 3 grams

Who Should Wear 10 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha?

Anyone could wear this rudraksha and experience emotional stability, regardless of gender, caste, religion, or color thus making life peaceful. 10 mukhi rudraksha showers true blessings on the wearer who wears it with full faith and respect.


People under the spell of black magic should wear this rudraksha, as it offers the power to stay away from it along with fear of evil eyes.

Joyful life:

People experiencing stressful lives should wear this auspicious rudraksha, as it unblocks the path to joy, it eliminates fears from your life.

Enhanced spirituality:

10 mukhi rudraksha allows the wearer to embrace a deep connection with the Almighty, making them focus on spiritual practices without any negative interference.

Original 10 Mukhi Rudraksha Identification

10 mukhi rudraksha offers divine blessings that boost your mental health along with a sharp intellect. And, to prove its originality Rudraksha Lovers performs reliable methods.

Originality Test

  • Observation: Upon close observation, 10 mukhi rudraksha possess natural carvings devoid of any insect holes.
  • X-Ray Test: Rudraksha undergoes this method that describes an exact number of mukhi and compartments.
  • Quality Checking

  • Boiling Water Test: Ensure to place the pious rudraksha in boiling water for a few minutes to witness the changes occurring on its surface.
  • Hardness & Maturity Test: Evaluate rudraksha’s hardness & maturity via Shore Hardness Tester.
  • Gravity Test: Evaluation of floating pattern of rudraksha in water.
  • Electrical Conductivity Test: Resistance of a rudraksha is measured, which describes its quality.
  • Rudraksha Cleaning & Drying

  • Ultrasonic Cleaner: We use this method as it generates bubbles and sound waves that quickly eliminate dirt from the rudraksha.
  • Dryer: It ensures the drying up of rudraksha in a sacred environment.
  • Vacuum Drying: Ensures proper removal of moisture under controlled settings.
  • Specifications

  • Digital Vernier Caliper: Measures rudraksha in mm.
  • Digital Weighing Scale: Measures the weight of 10 mukhi rudraksha in grams.
  • 10 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha Prices

    It blesses you with a tranquil state of mind along with an unbreakable shield that eliminates negativity from your surroundings. Moreover, its price and power depend on origin, weight, size, and appearance.


    Nepali rudraksha consists of high energy and can help you get benefits in a short time, therefore, is a bit more expensive than other ones.


    Ten mukhi rudraksha comes in different sizes, and its price increases as per its size.


    A darker and lustrous rudraksha consists of more energy and therefore is expensive.


    Its weight is measured in grams, hence, the more the weight the higher the price.

    Hence, with the help of these crucial factors, it becomes easy for you to select a powerful rudraksha. Origin and size serve to be primary factors, and appearance and weight are secondary.

    Ans: After wearing 10 mukhi rudraksha you will experience a positive outlook in your life and wearing it eliminates all your negative thoughts.

    Ans: Wearing this pious rudraksha helps in maintaining overall health and offers you positivity.

    Ans: Wearing it makes you more concentrated and focused on your everyday work.

    Ans: Putting 10 mukhi rudraksha under a pillow can help you get better sleep as it eliminates all your nightmares and good sleep.

    Ans: Yes, everyone can wear this rudraksha as wearing it instills positivity and spirituality amidst you. 

    Ans: Wearing 10 mukhi rudraksha brings the blessing of Lord Krishna and offers you a prosperous life. 

    Ans: Every rudraksha is powerful, but 21 mukhi rudraksha is considered to be the most powerful, as it allows you to attain all worldly desires. 

    Ans: Yes, Wearing 10 mukhi rudraksha maintains your bone health and helps you in getting rid of back pain. 

    Ans: It is recommended not to wear rudraksha while consuming meat.

    Ans: Wearing 10 mukhi rudraksha instills new thinking and removes negativity from your mind which brings creativity to you.

    Representation of the Om symbol

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