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Buy 16 Mukhi Rudraksha

16 mukhi nepali rudraksha bestows the wearer with peace of mind and immense protection from mishappenings. Get medicinal and spiritual benefits together with a lots of energy flowing through your blood. It blesses the wearer with harmonious relationships and emotional stability.

According to Shastra:

।। जटाकलाप शोभितं समस्य पाप नाशकं स्वभक्त भीती भन्जनं भजेः रामद्वयम ।।

“Experience glorious life along with a courageous attitude truly blessed with Lord Rama.”

Stay away from negativity and past life sins by wearing the natural yet most pious 16 mukhi rudraksha. Attain the blessings of the Moon planet which is blended with determination and capability to fight difficult situations of life making your life stress less.

16 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha
Accident Protection
Rational Thinking
Insecurity Overcome
Professional Bonding

Sixteen mukhi nepali rudraksha offers immense protection against numerous misfortunes in life. Primarily, it has various sizes that provide physical, mental and spiritual strength making you a conqueror in all your activities.

The original rudraksha price various based on their quality and origin. We offer energization, lab-tested, and certified 16 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha for you.

Ruling DeityLord Rama
Ruling PlanetMoon
Ruling ChakraAnahata chakra
Size26-30 mm
Favorable DayMonday
Beej MantraOm Hreem Hoom Namah||
Other Mantras

Om Haum Joom Sah||

Om Namah Shivay||

ShapeNut shape
Weight5 – 6 grams

Who Should Wear 16 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha?

Anyone could wear the pious rudraksha and could experience better health with reduced levels of anxiety and fear. Therefore, it is considered as a master bead of the inner core that strengthens the soul.

Enhanced protection:

Are you surrounded by thoughts of something bad and some kind of fear? Well, wearing this rudraksha offers ultimate protection against all types of adversities and brings calmness in your life.

Supports career growth:

16 mukhi rudraksha instills the feeling of not giving up in life, thus uplifting you in tough situations and reminds you about your purpose in life.

Better health:

People suffering from health issues should wear this rudraksha, as it makes you healthy by eliminating anxiety and stress from life.

Original 16 Mukhi Rudraksha Identification

Rudraksha Lovers performs reliable methods to check rudraksha originality and offers natural and high quality beads to the wearer.

Originality Test

  • Observation:On close observation, view whether it possesses well-defined mukhis without any crack.
  • X-Ray Test: Rudraksha undergoes this method that describes an exact number of mukhi and compartments.
  • Quality Checking

  • Boiling Water Test: We put 16 mukhi rudraksha in boiling water for a few minutes, and check for any germs in the water.
  • Hardness & Maturity Test: Evaluate rudraksha’s hardness & maturity via Shore Hardness Tester.
  • Gravity Test: Keep the rudraksha in normal water and witness its floating pattern.
  • Electrical Conductivity Test: Resistance is measured, which describes its quality.
  • Rudraksha Cleaning & Drying

  • Ultrasonic Cleaner: 16 mukhi rudraksha undergoes impurity removal method that properly cleanses its surface with help of small bubbles.
  • Dryer: It ensures the longevity of a rudraksha.
  • Vacuum Drying: Ensures proper removal of moisture under controlled settings.
  • Specifications

  • Digital Vernier Caliper: Measures rudraksha in mm.
  • Digital Weighing Scale: Measures the weight of 16 mukhi rudraksha in grams.
  • 16 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha Prices

    Wearers of the sacred rudraksha could achieve high self-esteem and self-confidence that bestows you with strong determination to grab fame and wealth. Moreover, its price depends on origin, weight, size, and appearance, offering a joyful life.


    Both Indonesian and Nepali rudraksha possess high demand, and Nepali rudraksha possess high power resulting in high price.


    Rudraksha comes in different sizes, and its price changes according to the size.


    Rudraksha price changes as per its appearance.


    16 mukhi rudraksha is evaluated in grams, and price differs as per the change in grams.

    You can embrace a powerful rudraksha that changes your life entirely with the help of the above-mentioned parameters. In these parameters, origin and size are crucial, and appearance and weight serve to be second.

    Ans: Yes, and it improves overall stomach health.

    Ans: The pious rudraksha lessens malefic impacts and offers a calm and soothing life.

    Ans: Yes, and offers success in your professional life.

    Ans: Yes, and that will achieve a better lifestyle.

    Ans: Yes, and makes your life calm and peaceful. 

    Ans: It entirely changes you and makes you a strong person in all situations of life. 

    Ans:  Definitely, it could be worn by everyone irrespective of caste, color or religion, but just with complete trust. 

    Ans: Yes, as it instills only positive thoughts in mind, thus keeping you away from nightmares. 

    Ans: Yes, and protects you from various illnesses.

    Representation of the Om symbol

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